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INTRODUCTION: Vector Network Analyzers are commonly used to accurately determine the RF Characteristics of microwave components. Accurate Testing of microwave circuits means eliminating measurement errors and ensuring repeatable results. This is only possible when the network analyzers can be calibrated with known and true calibration standards. These standards are not to be subjected to any kind of limitations, they must rather be designed to perfection. As Network Analyzers do have the ability to reduce error terms to negligible values, they depend on the quality and integrity of the Calibration Standards.

METHODOLOGY: Two different techniques are commonly known for coaxial calibration, the Open-Short-Load-Through Calibration Method , and the Line Reflective Line (LRL) Calibration Method, also recognized as Through Reflective Line (TRL).

OPEN-SHORT-LOAD-THROUGH CALIBRATION: This method uses as known Standards, Opens, Shorts and Loads. The Load can be either a sliding or a fixed broadband load. The Kits supplied, can be divided into three groups: The Standard Calibration Kit, the Expanded Calibration Kit, and the Professional Calibration Kit. The Instrument Cases for all three of these Calibration Kits are identical. The customer may start with the Standard Calibration Kit and fill the empty spots at a later stage, to end up with an Expanded, or even the Professional Calibration Kit.The Kits, as suggested for Hewlett Packard and Wiltron, do differ slightly in the number of components supplied, as necessary for the different calibration sequences.

STANDARD OPEN-SHORT-LOAD-THROUGH CALIBRATION KIT: It contains all the components needed for calibration in the subject connector series, Opens, Shorts, Broadband Loads, and the Software Configuration Medium.

EXPANDED OPEN-SHORT-LOAD-THROUGH CALIBRATION KIT: Besides the components supplied with the Standard Calibration Kit, a set of interface gauges for center conductor location dimensions, calibration blocks for zeroing the gauges, wrenches, and a torque wrench are added.

PROFESSIONAL OPEN-SHORT-LOAD-THROUGH CALIBRATION KIT: Additional to the components supplied with the Expanded Calibration Kit, the sets of interface gauges and calibration blocks are completed for measuring further also certain critical outer conductor dimensions. A set of thread limit gauges for checking the connector and coupling nut threads is supplied as well. Four empty spaces can be filled with optional adapters, individually to be specified.
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