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Coaxial cables interconnect the many modules and components found in a high-frequency system. In recent years, manufacturers of high-speed computers have resorted to semirigid and flexible coaxial cables to make connections between printed-circuit boards (PCBs). While most designers try to minimize the lengths (depending upon phase relationships) and numbers of coaxial cables found in a system, they are necessary for signal-routing operations. For those systems integrators who require moderate to large amounts of coaxial cable, help in handling has finally arrived: the CNCA-700 automatic cable cutting and stripping machine from Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH. The machine, which handles semirigid and flexible cables with diameters to 0.5 in., features fast setup time and standard tooling.

Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH, which is well-known as an international supplier of coaxial connectors, cables and cable assemblies through 50.0 GHz, has long used embeddedcomputer- controlled CNCA-700 internally for processing cables. The same machine is now available to other cable manufacturers requiring large numbers of cable assemblies.

In operation, a cable mounted on the CNCA-700 is turned by and between two spindles which can be positioned very closely together. Both spindles move simultaneously, each driven by its own stepper motor. The stepper motors can stop the spindles with an accuracy of 0.0004 in. (0.01mm). Adjustments in stripping length can be made with 0.002-in. (0.05-mm) resolution and adjustments in stripping diameter can be made with 0.0004-in. (0.01-mm) resolution. The cable feed is at one spindle. The other spindle works as a push/pull device, picking up the cable and pulling it to length and /or pushing it back when necessary and supporting the cable again during the machining of the cable/connector interface.

The cutting device is a standard tungsten saw, located in another stepper motor drive. The saw turns at high speed, providing rapid and clean cuts. The cutting speed can be readily adjusted to optimum speeds for different metals, such as aluminum, copper, or stainless steel. The tungsten saw also points the center conductors.

Cable assemblies are cut, stripped and transported onto a conveyer belt under computer control. To aid program development, a standard personal computer can be connected to the CNCA-700. The CNCA-700 permits the user to change certain parameters during operation. For example, by entering depth corrections or values for a cable assembly length via a computer keyboard, the cutting depth and/or cable length can be changed during operation. By exchanging the brackets at the stripping arm and the standard collects in the CNCA-700's spindles, and selecting a new software program from the menu, the machine can be adjusted within minutes for a different cable diameter.

The CNCA-700 is shipped with a variety of dedicated software tools for cutting and stripping standard semirigid cables from 0.034 to 0.5 in. in diameter. Programs are also included for stripping some standard flexible cables.
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