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Custom Connectors/Adapters

INTRODUCTION: Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH offers a large variety of standard Connectors and Adapters, as shown in "The ´97 Handbook Adapters " and " The ´98 Handbook Microwave Connectors ".
In many applications a standard component will not fit perfectly, or maybe it cannot be used at all. It would be needed a little bit shorter or longer, or narrower, or wider, or would have to meet special electrical requirements, such as higher power or better return loss, or ....etc,.

Applications: Special Connectors and Adapters are needed in state-of-the-art systems. These systems are following design criteria that are quite different to the standard scheme. Mechanically they may be more compact, and of lighter weight, therefore cannot use some existing designs. Electrically these systems are to be of superior performance, therefore they have to meet specifications that are almost impossible, needing components to be engineered to excellence, and in detail.

Frequency: The frequency for custom designed connectors and adapters ranges is from DC to 50.0 GHz. For this frequency range complete test equipment is available.

Connector Types: Besides the connectors, meeting the standard interface specifications, such as MIL-Standards, DIN- or IEC- Specifications, Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH has been designing, manufacturing and introducing to the market successfully new Connector Series of Types SBX, SBY and SPM, connectors that were not available at all with the physical and electrical performance, as needed for applications in certain programs. Additionally, a whole new Product Line was designed: the PUSH-ON Connectors and Adapters, being available in 50 Ohms impedance for Series 7/16, SMA, N and TNC. In 75 Ohms impedance PUSH-ON Connectors of styles F and N were developed.
Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH is open for almost any engineering task. If none of the existing designs can be used, experienced engineering staff is available to develop the component that will meet exactly the requirements.

Operating Temperature Range: The normal operating temperature ranges from -54°C to +115°C. For certain programs however, connectors and adapters were designed, allowing a much wider environmental temperature range.
Successful performance has been achieved at lowest temperatures of 20 K, in programs where the components in receivers, used for exploring the universe, are being cooled down to those temperatures because of noise level reasons.
In other programs the opposite was needed, environmental temperatures above 200° C. Using special design techniques and dielectrics, also these requirements were met.

VSWR: VSWR is the ratio of the reflected signal and the incident signal. Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH has designed for several programs connectors and adapters showing lowest VSWR. Especially with high power components, reflections are unwanted, as the reflected power will be transformed into heat, causing even higher temperatures and consequently limiting the performance, especially when already operating at higher environmental temperatures.
These special adapters were designed to replace a semi rigid cable of 0.250" diameter. There was a major problem with the cable assembly: it could not be manufactured with repeatable performance, as the cable is quite big in diameter for its short length, therefore difficult to bend. Soldering connectors to such a short assembly is extremely difficult in addition. Using newest complex CNC machinery the outer conductor of the replacing mitre angled adapter was machined in one piece. Designing and developing components using state-of-the-art manufacturing features, results in outstanding mechanical designs with superior electrical performance at higher frequencies.
The special connector above was developed to hook up directly to an aerial, a long whip antenna, as used on radio equipment of vehicles. For achieving superior electrical performance, it incorporates a matching circuit in the connector body. A special quick connection/ disconnection mechanism was developed for this special unit.
 Copyright ©2008 by Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH