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INTRODUCTION: Antennas are employed to couple electromagnetic energy between free space propagation and the energy received or transmitted as a guided wave by a radar system. Antenna dimensions of several wavelengths may be needed to confine an adequate amount of energy.

Application: Most antennas are used to serve as both, transmitters and receivers of microwave systems. Most systems require an antenna that tends to concentrate the transmitted energy into a small solid angle, or to receive energy from a specific direction.

Antenna Gain: The ability of an antenna to concentrate energy in a particular direction or to be more sensitive to energy incident from a specific direction is described in terms of the antenna gain. Denoted only as the gain, the exact definition would be the power gain of an antenna, which includes losses associated with the antenna, such as ohmic and RF heating.

Antenna Radiation Pattern: The spatial distribution of energy when plotted on a relative basis is called the antenna radiation pattern and it is a measure of the power per unit area, also called the power pattern. When measuring the unit per solid angle in a given direction, it is called the radiation intensity pattern.

Average Power Handling: This is the maximum allowable power to which the antenna can be subjected to without suffering permanent damage.

Connectors: Antennas can be supplied with almost any connector or waveguide configuration, supposing that frequency range and power level are within the connector/waveguide limits.

Custom Designs: Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH has been supplying only antennas that are designed to special requirements. At the time being the company does not compete with standard products that are available from various suppliers.

Frequency and Bandwidth: The frequency and bandwidth depend on many parameters, the type and physical structure, dimensions and materials of the antenna, the gain, beam width, polarization, radome, material, shape, etc.

Operating Temperature Range: The temperature range is usually very wide, especially for outdoor applications.

Polarization: The direction of the polarization is defined as the direction of the electric field vector. The principal planes of the antenna pattern are associated with a linearly polarized component of the electric field and are commonly designated as horizontal or vertical polarizations, so that the antenna patterns are specified as being either horizontal or vertical patterns. For circular polarization the electric field rotates at a frequency equal to the frequency of the propagating wave, e.g. right handed when the direction of rotation of the electric-field vector is clockwise when viewed as a receding wave away from the antenna.

VSWR: VSWR is the ratio of the reflected signal and the incident signal, when looking into the antenna from system side. The VSWR for receive and transmit of an antenna may be different.
The Planar Antenna has been designed for OEM - Applications and is operating in the 2.4 GHz Band. The small dimensions and the rugged construction of the device are ideally suited for all applications regarding Wireless Telecommunication such as LAN, PBXs, PCS, PCN, Laptops, etc. The unique design utilizes a board construction that allows lowest cost at high volume. The Antenna can be optimized for any frequency in the ISM band.
 Copyright ©2008 by Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH