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The Gain Amplitude Equalizers is an absorptive device having a particular attenuation curve. Two significant categories can be described:

Parabolic or Sinusoidal Equalizers. These devices are mainly used at TWT's to compensate the saturated gain. The maximum attenuation is expected in mid band, the minimums are at the band ends. The maximum attenuation can be a few dB or even more than 30 dB. At the band edge losses of less than 1 dB are desirable.

Linear or Slope Equalizers.The application of these units is to compensate the frequency dependant loss of long coaxial cable assemblies or delay lines. The maximum loss at the low band edge can be a few dB or as much as 30 dB, while at high band end edge losses as little as possible are desirable. The loss at the higher frequency limit is usually less than 1 dB.
The parabolic as well as the linear equalizers can be subdivided into three groups:

1.) Fixed Equalizers. The insertion loss curve of the unit is engineered to meet the customer requirements in the system. The attenuation curve is set to the specification. This type of unit is normally used on compponents that are very prdictable.

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