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The CNCA-700 cuts Manufacturing Cost, improves Quality Standards. With the fully automatic SPECTRUM CNCA-700, you can strip single stage wires and coaxial cables up to diameters of 12.7 mm (0.5 inches) and lengths of up to 5 m ( 16.4 ft.) to many stages in one operation. It is also possible to strip simple cables with only one insulation layer. The SPECTRUM CNCA-700 is easy to program. If connected to a PC, the SPECTRUM CNCA-700 is capable of storing an unlimited number of programs. The PC is not included with the purchase of the machine.
  • The Machine cuts and trims coaxial cables automatically
  • It cuts and trims interfaces on semi rigid cables of diameters from 0.034" (0.86mm) and
         smaller, and up to 0.5 inches (12.7mm);
  • The Machine cuts and trims interfaces on flexible cables from smallest diameter up to a
         Diameter of 0.5 inches (12.7mm);
  • Easy adjustments in cutting lengths and diameters;
  • Rod feed for straight cable lengths of up to10 ft.;
  • Automatic turning equipment for spooled cable;
  • Two working spindles which feed and pick up the cable;
  • Both spindles turn simultaneously thus enabling material of smallest diameter to be
         handled perfectly, without twisting, stretching or breaking;
  • Spindles are step motor controlled in Z-axis;
  • High speed saw for individual cutting operations, step motor controlled in Y-axis;
  • Stripping-and transportation arm, step motor controlled in Z-axis and compressed air
         controlled in X-axis. The finished assembly is dropped onto the belt, delivering it to its
         final destination;
  • Easy set up;
  • Easy programming;
  • Storage of an almost unlimited number of programs;
  • Easy change of cutting/stripping parameters.
  • Inexpensive tooling cost;
  • ...next page

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